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AI + Data + CRM + Waeg = Business Evolution

As Salesforce introduces its generative AI capabilities, businesses and IT leaders are confronted with a critical question: "How can we effectively embark on our AI journey?"

While it might be tempting to rush into the technical aspects and implementation, the truth is that without a clear strategic vision, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with opportunities and not achieve any tangible results. With this in mind, and to coincide with the launch of the Einstein1 Platform, Waeg has developed a comprehensive offering to assist businesses in shaping their AI Strategy and Roadmap with the option of launching a No Regrets Fast-Track Pilot.

This dual approach is particularly powerful as it addresses the need for businesses to gain a deep understanding of their AI capabilities, formulate a robust strategy and roadmap, and, equally important, test their AI features in a real-world setting. Recognising that the success of AI implementation hinges on technical nuances and strategic foresight, our dual-pronged approach is designed to provide businesses with a profound understanding of their AI capabilities. 

AI + Data + CRM + Waeg Business Evolution 01 (1)

Double-Edged Approach to AI-Driven Success

In the No Regrets Fast-Track Pilot, your business receives meticulous attention in implementing and deploying the most apparent use cases, including SalesGPT's Sales Email, ServiceGPT's Service Replies, or Case Summaries designed for a select group of users.

The AI model is refined through intimate collaboration with your business to ensure its efficacy and readiness for a broader organisational rollout. You can get ready-to-start packages for both the AI Strategy and Roadmap and the No Regrets Fast-Track Pilot, constituting a powerful amalgamation that enables your business to transition from unstructured ideas to a concrete strategy and plan and from hypotheses to measured business impact.

Demonstrating Tangible Value for Future Investments

The main objective is empowering your business and IT leaders to unequivocally demonstrate tangible value to senior management, thereby garnering the necessary support for further investments in your AI roadmap. More than that, your business's need for a customer-centric approach is not just met but exceeded, thanks to our extensive preparation for the Einstein1 Platform launch. 

With this suite of services, your business will be empowered to understand its AI capabilities and witness their real-world impact. From strategic AI model refinement to the demonstration of tangible value, the dual-pronged approach positions your business on the fast track to success.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? 

Elevating Your Business in AI Integration

As you consider the next steps in your business’ AI journey, why not connect with Waeg? Our ready-to-start AI Strategy and Roadmap packages, coupled with the No Regrets Fast-Track Pilot, offer a powerful combination for your business to transition from ideas to a concrete strategy. Let us guide you from hypotheses to measured business impact. Reach out today and discover how our expertise can elevate your business through the strategic integration of Salesforce's AI revolution.

Kristian Margaryan Jørgensen, Director of Solution Engineering and Architecture @ Waeg

Wiktoria Kaglik, Content Marketing Specialist @ Waeg, an IBM Company



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